Call Us: +263774994970 | +263242576637 | +263712762496

Location: 5129 Walker Rd | Prospect | Waterfalls | Harare | Zimbabwe

Corporate Secreterial

About corporate Secreterial services

Corporate Services: Incorporations, Compliance, and Global Stakeholder Support.

We offer a wide range of corporate secretarial services, encompassing incorporations, partnership formations, preparation of director and shareholder resolutions, business registrations, maintenance of company records, and corporate compliance.

Additionally, we facilitate meetings for foreign investors with various stakeholders, including government officials. Furthermore, we diligently take minutes on behalf of our foreign clients.

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Business Registrations

Efficient handling of business registrations, ensuring a seamless and compliant process.

International Stakeholder Meetings

Assisting foreign investors in meetings with government officials, ensuring collaboration.

Company Records Maintenance

Diligent management of company records, fostering transparency and regulatory compliance.

Professional Minute-Taking Services

Accurate and confidential minute-taking on behalf of our foreign clients.